Bali Inspired Duck Breast 香料鴨胸

我一直都很想去岜里島卻一直都沒能成行. 看Anthony Bourdain的No Reservation與聽朋友對當地乳豬的讚不絕口都不停地在提醒我該是時候了. 今年中秋連假本來要到新加坡去看看過去的戰友以及恭賀前老闆的新店開張, 無奈一位難求. 瞪著東南亞地圖, 還沒弄清楚發生甚麼, 已經在前往岜里島的路上.

當然第一餐是馳名的烏布烤乳豬. 這種交雜當地人與觀光客的人氣小店一直都很有魅力. 而最後一餐, 我決定聽取飯店的建議去試試“岜里島傳統名菜”脆皮鴨.

I’ve always wanted to visit Bali; Especially so after I heard about their amazing sucking pig (testified by friends and Anthony Bourdain)Extremely tempted; but other travel plans always got in the way.

So this year, thanks to the casinos and the new Universal Studio, Singapore was hotter than ever. I was then forced to drop my plan to go back there to visit the team and to congratulate Chef’s new restaurant. A couple of emails later,  before I knew it, I was headed to Bali!!

Of course my very first meal in Ubud gotta be the legendary suckling pig– always a big fan of those semi-local mom & pop touristy super hits. Then for my last dinner in Bali, after a lovely walking tour, I decided to take our butler’s advice and try the “Dirty Duck.”

姑且不論這道菜是不是傳統, 簡單的烹調與豪邁的吃法(當然是用手), 完全是我追求的完美結尾. 回家以後, 我帶著當時的心情做了這道鴨胸. 第一次亮相是在我們藉百年國慶之名行酒肉之實的”慶祝建國百年紅肉Party” . 但這道菜的濃濃肉桂香, 配上加了大量奶油的南瓜也可以是感恩節或是聖誕節的良伴!

According to our butler, crispy duck is one of Bali’s traditional delicacy. I didn’t really find too much reference  on that, so am just going to focus on the food. I loved how  the  duck itself and the side dishes  were all prepared in a  very simple  manner. No fancy culinary terms,  just food  meant to be enjoyed  with your fingers.

I took home the inspiration and  created this dish. Duck Breast’s  debut was at my “Happy 100th  Birthday ROC  Party” (Wonderful  excuse to go crazy on meat and  wine).  But I feel the lovely cinnamon aroma would make this recipe a great choice for the holidays as well (with some  butternut squash or pumpkin sous vide with a lot of butter  of course).


  • 3 duck breast, 3片鴨胸 (用的是豪野鴨)
  • 3 cloves of garlic, 3瓣大蒜
  • 3 stalks rosemary, 3株迷迭香
  • Spices: cinnamon, turmeric, nutmeg, black pepper, paprika, chili flakes             香料:肉桂, 薑黃粉, 肉豆蔻, 黑胡椒, 紅椒粉, 辣椒粉
  • Sweet peas (as many as you prefer), 甜豆適量
  • 1 tablespoon peanut butter , ㄧ大匙花生醬
  • 1 teaspoon soy sauce , 一茶匙醬油
  • 1 teaspoon sesame oil , 一茶匙麻油
  • a handful peanuts, 花生適量
  1. 在鴨皮上抹上大量的鹽
  2. 翻到鴨肉的那一面, 再一層層抹上所有香料. 然後在每一片鴨胸上放上一支迷迭香與一瓣大蒜, 進冰箱醃漬一個晚上.
  3. 封入真空袋前, 先用沾溼的廚房紙巾把鴨皮上的鹽盡可能地擦掉. 然後把肉與迷迭香, 大蒜一起封入真空袋.
  4. 以攝氏64度煮40分鐘
  5. 花生沾醬:在花生醬中慢慢地對入熱水稀釋. 花生醬會一度變得很黏稠, 再繼續加入熱水直到稀釋完成為止. 達到需要的質地後加入醬油與麻油便完成.
  6. 以熱水川燙甜豆後冰鎮. 上桌前用廚房紙巾去除多餘水分並撒上花生
  7. 熱鍋後將鴨胸皮朝下用中大火煎至金黃 (約五分鐘), 翻面將鴨肉煎約30秒即可.
  8. 靜置鴨胸3-5分然後切片, 與甜豆, 花生沾醬一起擺盤
  1. Rub salt generously on the skin
  2. Dry rub all other spices onto the duck meat. Place one stalk of rosemary and one clove of garlic on each duck breast. Let them marinate in the fridge overnight.
  3. Before sealing duck breast in the vacuum bag, use a damp kitchen towel to wipe off excessive salt on the skin. Don’t forget to seal rosemary and garlic with the meat as well.
  4. 64°C, 40 minutes
  5. To prepare the peanut sauce: add hot water little by little to dilute the peanut butter. The peanut butter would become sticky half way, but it’s okay. Just continue adding hot water until the sauce reaches a smooth consistency. Then add in soy sauce and sesame oil to finish.
  6. Blanch the sweet peas then shock them in iced water. Dry them with a kitchen towel and sprinkle peanuts on top before serving.
  7. Use a very hot pan and sear the duck breast skin side down for around 5 minutes (skin must be golden brown and crispy). Then flip the meat for another 30 seconds.
  8. Allow the duck breast to rest for 3-5 minutes. Slice then serve with sweet peas and peanut sauce on the side.